
Hi. Welcome to my blog. The purpose of this blog is to remind teenage girls that they're perfect and absolutely beautiful in God's eyes, so who else's opinion could ever possibly matter? Please post a comment and tell me what you think of my blog. Thanks for visiting and enjoy.

Friday, January 18, 2008

His Love

I know of some one who will always love you, more than anyone else ever could. He'll never stop loving you, no matter what you do, and He'll never leave you. In fact He loved you so much that He died on an old wooden cross for you. You might have figured out who I'm talking about by now. If you said Jesus, you'd be right. You see because of that little white lie you told last week, because you didn't clean your room when your parents told you too, you have to die. That may seem like a pretty harsh punishment for something so small, but God said that sin is sin, no matter whether you told a "little" white lie or killed someone. God doesn't want you to die, though, because He loves you. So He came up with a solution. He sent His only kid to die a horrible death on a cross in your place. So you get to spend forever with Him in Heaven once you die. There is a catch, though. You have to love Him back. You have to realize that telling that lie was a sin, and you have to ask Him to forgive you. Pretty good, all things considered. Think about it.

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