
Hi. Welcome to my blog. The purpose of this blog is to remind teenage girls that they're perfect and absolutely beautiful in God's eyes, so who else's opinion could ever possibly matter? Please post a comment and tell me what you think of my blog. Thanks for visiting and enjoy.

Saturday, January 12, 2008


Identity. Your identity can be found in many places. Your friends, your family, your boyfriend, the group you hang out at school with. In today's world you can change your identity at the blink of an eye. One minute you can be the sweet, dorky, brainiac (not the superman character) and by changing you hair, clothes, and makeup, you can instantly become the hardcore skater chick. Even here on blogger, if you want to post a comment they ask what identity you want use. It's gotten to the point that many people don't even know who they are anymore. So where should your identity be found? Mine is found in Christ. So spend some today thinking about your identity. Who are you? It's worth figuring it out for yourself.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautifully put. And so true. There can be many different sides of us, but being a good Christian should be our true identity.