
Hi. Welcome to my blog. The purpose of this blog is to remind teenage girls that they're perfect and absolutely beautiful in God's eyes, so who else's opinion could ever possibly matter? Please post a comment and tell me what you think of my blog. Thanks for visiting and enjoy.

Thursday, March 13, 2008


Anti-conformity. The definition is lack of conformity; failure or refusal to conform. The Bible says, in Romans 12:2, (to paraphrase for a moment) that we shouldn't conform to the pattern of this world anymore, but be transformed by the renewing of our minds. According to that we need to be non-conformists. That means that we need to not do and think everything the world tells us too. Does that mean that everything "worldly" is bad? Of course not. It just means that we need to conform to God and his standards for our life, in everything, instead of the standards of everybody else.


Matt said...

I heard a great message about that. It had that verse and 1 John 2: 15-17. Pretty cool.

Dagmar said...

Good Post! You're right, not everything in the world is bad, but we need to store up our treasures in Heaven rather than on earth.