
Hi. Welcome to my blog. The purpose of this blog is to remind teenage girls that they're perfect and absolutely beautiful in God's eyes, so who else's opinion could ever possibly matter? Please post a comment and tell me what you think of my blog. Thanks for visiting and enjoy.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Guess what?

Guess what? God loves you. Everything you see around you is a love song from Him to you. The blue sky, the fact that you can breath, move, speak, do anything. The gentle breeze that blows across your face, the birds flying in the air above you, the stars and moon in the night sky. All of it is God's way of saying You are my beloved daughter and I loved you enough to die for you. To Him you are perfect the way you are and you are beauty beyond compare. So next time you look in the mirror and all you can see is those ears that stick out to much, that zit on your nose, that stomach that isn't perfectly flat, or those braces, remember, you are the beloved and the daughter of the King.

1 comment:

Dagmar said...

Beautifully put! Something every person in the world needs to remember. That God loves them, no matter what. Great post!